Pea and Bean Weevil !!!

It's been hard work, enjoyable hard work, making our allotment.  Clearing away of couch grass, rubbish left by previous owners, glass, nettles etc.

Just lately, one thing that has been lifting my spirits, keeping me going, knowing that all our hard work is going to worth it - is our gorgeous little broad bean plants.

These bright little symbols of hope, make up for all the aching muscles and endless trips to the tip.  It will be worth it come summer when I eat my broad bean risotto.

But now these lovely little things have been struck down with BEAN WEEVIL!
Pea & Bean Weevil

I am so annoyed!  Why us? 

I have read up on these little buggers, and they need to be destroyed!  Destroyed not in an organic fluffy way, but a, I will kill every last one of you way!

Erhmmm, sorry! 

No unfortunately all organic methods such as picking them off or using soap or nicotine spray just gets them off the plant for a while, it doesnt kill them completely.  And if I dont kill them completely they will eat not only my broad beans, but my peas, mangetout, runner beans and may even have a go at the potatoes!!

Gasp!  I know!!! So you see I will have to get tough.. get the spray, do it, and forget I ever did it.... move on and live a slightly less organic way from then on.

If anyone has any tips before I reach for the chemicals, please let me know!