Mr Stripey

We are waiting, forever waiting for these babies to turn red.  They are Tigerella Tomatoes, Mr Stripey. 

This year I wanted to have a salad of different size and coloured tomatoes... totally inspired by Jamie Oliver's recipe for The Mothership Tomato Salad, where he used red, gold, orange, large & mini toms.

So this year I have sown, grown, potted on, fed, cuddled, sang too, tucked up in bed at night. ahem well no, but I have totally coddled these toms, hoping that I will have enough for a scrummy salad. And the dreaded tomato lurgy doesnt strike again this year.

Still waiting for ripe juiciness. 

As well as these Mr Stripey variety, I have Sun Gold ( a glorious sweet orange tom) and hundreds & thousands (a mini mini bright red tom, which I have planted in hanging baskets and they tumble quite nicely).

Today I found blackened stems on my 100's & 1000's... BUM!

I think Blight has struck.

I am totally in denile... will deal with it later... it's just not fair!