Rufus' Birthday highlights

Rufus, the lucky little lad, has had a fantastic birthday weekend.

Friday saw his party with his friends.

Which started with a lovely tea party, playing with toys and then a naked, water, craziness ensued!  Started by birthday boy himself... start as he means to carry on every party in the future!!

The following day we had a visit to Puxton Park, it has farm animals, adventure playground, indoor soft play.  Rufus had been pouring over the flier for weeks, as was extremely excited to finally go.

We saw sheep, beautiful ducks, piglets, highland cows, birds of prey falconry display.  A great time.  Ru loved it.

Finally, tea at Nana & Grampa's and more cake!

Thank you everyone for making his birthday so special.  Thank you also Grandma and Grampy for stories on saturday night, the boys loved it.


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