Lost and Found

This is a tale of a lost book bag and an observant brother!

About a month ago, Charlies' book bag had mysteriously disappeared.

We searched the entire house, looking in the cupboards, under sofas, in the car and at Nana's home.

The School searched the classroom and cloakroom.  Checked the office, nothing had been handed in.

I walked the neighbourhood retracing the route to and from school, still it cannot be found.

The book bag and it's school homework was lost.

Charlie's is learning his letter and sounds at school.. inside the missing book bag was his letters book.  He has been drawing pictures of things that start with a P or a S.

Charlie was very upset.

We had given up hope.  Miss Patel (Charlie's teacher) has given us a new letters & sounds book and I have ordered a new book bag from the internet.

But this is not the end of this tale.. oh no!

Yesterday, a whole month later, my Mum was driving Rufus back to her house along a busy dual carriage way, when Rufus said...

'Look Nana, someone has left their book bag'.

My mum immediately took the next junction, turned round, parked the car someway off.

They walked through the snow and ice in below freezing temperatures, to reach this bookbag which was hanging in a bush.

Could it be?  Can it really be the missing book bag?  Our missing bag?


Very muddy, very soggy. 

But there is was intact, with homework still inside.

So Rufus, little Rufus, spotted his brother book bag hanging in a tree, on a busy dual carriage way...

what are the odds?

How did it get there?

Hmmm... my mum admitted to me, that she may have driven off home with it on the roof of the car! She was certain it was lost for good.

So as a reward for his amazing observant skills, Rufus was given this little snowglobe.

He is delighted.

Charlie is happy as we have dried out the pages of the book and he doesn't have to re-do his homework.

